Méthode Régénérante naturally corrects the causes of the skin’s slower ability to regenerate, known as delayed aging. Multi–active, skin–related lipo amino acids are basic building blocks of the skin cells that activate their energy, and improve their ability to regenerate and become more durable. The skin’s improved oxygen supply boosts the microcirculation and makes the skin glow. Wrinkles are reduced, the skin becomes plumper and firmer and this makes you look younger.
Winged kelp extract from the cool waters of Brittany revitalises the skin cells, and gives skin as young as 25 more radiance and vitality. Crocus bulb active ingredients stimulate the formation of new collagen and elastin in the connective tissue. Substances from rice and sugar beet protect the cells from oxidative stress. The result: a radiantly fresh complexion and an elastic and smooth skin.